Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back on the wagon

Last week I was most definitely off the wagon. I just felt kind of yucky all week, the work week was long and busy (although it was a 4-day week thanks to Labor Day, it sure felt long), and I was just not into my mission. I could blame it on any number of things, but truth is, I just didn't put in the effort that I should have.

On Saturday, we had a 4-mile group run. In the weeks past, the group of us doing the run/walk just made up our own routine .... run until we're tired and then walk until we feel ready to run again. Seemed like a good enough routine to me -- at least we were out there doing it! This week, our run coach, Mona, ran with us. She kept us to a strict run 3 minutes and walk 1 minute routine for the whole 4 miles. I definitely struggled -- probably due to my lack of activity in the week prior. I felt it, but I made it ... following the routine for the most part with maybe an extra short walk breaks. I think Mona intimidates me enough (she runs 100-mile races, y'all!) to keep me going, and that's a good thing!

Tonight it was raining pretty good, so I went to the gym instead of running in my neighborhood. We are doing 4 miles again this week, which is nice to keep at the same distance. I did 4 miles on the treadmill tonight, again with a routine of 3:1. I actually felt pretty good throughout the run, and finished it in 1 hour flat! I was happy with that for sure! I like being able to feel the progress through my efforts! This is definitely the longest I have stuck with any exercise plan, which isn't saying much because I rarely even start exercise plans!

I'm up to 25% of my fundraising goals so far, but still have a LONG way to go! Make sure to check out my Active page and see my fundraising progress!

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