Friday, November 12, 2010

Playing catch up!

So, I realize that I've been a bad blogger this season. My mom tells me often that I need to update this thing, and of course I listen to everything she tells me (HA!).

Some pictures from the last few weeks .... some from Team Challenge, some from my life outside of Team Challenge!

This is Angel, our Team Challenge Georgia endurance manager! She is so spirited and fun! We dressed up on Halloween to do our 9-mile run! I was a "black-eyed pea" .... silly, but it was easy to actually run in and people thought I was real witty, hahah!

After our 9-mile run, I got in the car and drove down to Beaufort to Matt's house. He had a Halloween party/chili cookoff with work and it was so fun! His squadron's theme was "The Brig" .... and while I wasn't thrilled with wearing a prisoner costume, it was actually a really fun time! Matt and I didn't actually take any pictures together at the party ... oh well!
We carved pumpkins on Halloween for his front porch. They both came out pretty pitiful .... definitely not our forte. I cut my thumb (on the dull side of a knife, mind you .... that's talent) so Matt had to finish my pumpkin for me. So glad that he gave him ears ..... any good audiologist will put ears on her pumpkin!
The following weekend, I went down to Savannah with Matt for the Marine Corps Birthday Ball. It was a really nice evening, although it was freeeezing cold! Matt wouldn't dance with me at all, which was a crying shame!

I missed my group run that weekend, but we made up for it and ran in Beaufort! This was on Saturday morning on River Street. We walked around and there was a little street fair going on. It was really chilly, but we found a booth with fried snickers bars and it was nothing short of heaven!
That's been the gist of the past few weeks ..... busy busy busy! Vegas is only 3 weeks away and I can't believe it!

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